Monday, August 31, 2009

these days i've been hanging around tumblr.
i don't really have much to say anymore.
i enjoy looking at pretty things though.

my mother is coming back to sydney tomorrow (i hope)
her plane was unsafe to fly last night so it was cancelled.
i'd like to see her. things are harder in this country without having her around.

i don't really know what i'm doing.
i want to live life constantly seeing it through an eternal perspective
but that, is a lot harder than it sounds


chrissybizzle said...

america with you.. amazing! i need to go to nashville.. carrot cake is delish, i've been making so many for work. please don't leave here for flickr, i'll miss you and i don't really know what to do on flickr haha x

The Kid In The Front Row said...

I need to check this tumblr thing out.