Saturday, February 12, 2011

in about a week i need to pack up all my belongings, again.
i'm moving back to sydney for a while.
i don't know if i'll ever live china again. part of me thinks i'll be back in a few months, but you can never know where life will take you. china been such a big part of me growing up. i love this country and its people. i think this place has changed me a lot and i'm going to miss it, and all the people i've met, immensely. but. He knows what He's doing. and so i will trust.
and pack.
my favourite michelle wrote this on her blog. i think she is beautiful and wonderful. and love her so very much.
also, i completely agree with what she wants when she's sick. and hopes she gets better soon.

things i want when i’m sick.

hot tea. soup. someone to play with my hair. bubble bath. blanket. sweatpants. someone to talk to. something to do. pride and prejudice. pictures of memories. back scratch. bed. candles. slow music. to be missed. pillows. homework, never minded. hot bean bag. the notebook. medicine. valentine’s day fuzzy socks. glasses. mirrors to lie. surprise. books. to laugh. sun. hot chocolate. care